Saturday, October 27, 2012

"Lol: Laughing out Love"

Dear  John Ray ΓΌ,

            Hello my dearest classmate. It's been two years that were classmates. Hey, did you know that last year I don’t even care to know your name? But now? Uhmmm. By the way did you know that it's almost a year that you’re my crush? I think you know about it.
Last year I thought you’re a hot tempered guy, but my first impression is wrong. At first I didn't know that your friendly and fun to be with. Remember we are group mates last year in the cleaners? I'm very irritated to you that time, want to know why? Because your lazy and you don't even want to bring home the garbage.
As far as I know, it was my best friend Melica who told me that you’re a nice guy. Hey, remember when you told me that you will help me to get close with my crush that time? Our plan is altered, I fall in love with you instead to my crush. As days passed by, we become closer and closer even in text and chat.
I think it's also the same month last year when I realize that your already my crush, around November. The personalize pen with the name "PWN.Hydroponics" is it still with you? I gave personalize pen to all of my friends, but that pen that I gave is the most especial of all, how I wish you keep it.
Thanks for the blue rose, it was my first time to receive a blue one I always receive the red rose. Did you know that blue rose means fantasy and impossibility, hoping for a miracle and a new possibilities but it's magical? Oh, never mind about that, I just want to share the meaning of it. I kept that rose, especially the small yellow abaca mat with it.
John Ray I really  don’t know what's  within you, it's my first time to have a crush for a year. Compared last year that awkward feelings when your around is lessen, maybe only 5-10%  awkwardness is still there. That's all and I love you? joke.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

To Be Our Not Be That Is The Question

To be our not to be that is the question
Don’t make a decision that can ruin your reputation
Think well prior to you reaction and agreement
Not just for your own but also for them.

To be our not to be that is the question
Should you say yes or should you say no?
It's what between your obligation
No matter what happens you must decide

To be our not to be that is the question
It's still your final decision
Should you or  you should not?
That's another question

Noreen S. Ortiz
Iinformal Theme #2.6

Just the Way I Love Her ^^

Teachers are considered as our second mother. They teach us every school day. Give they're time not just because it's their job. They do it for our sakes. To all the teachers I had before, I love them all but one there's one teacher whom I really love. She's none other than the strict but caring Mrs. Nemesia Villela.
             Ma'am Villela is my adviser when I was grade 5. Many of my classmates are afraid of her because she's a serious type teacher. At first, It's true that I'm also afraid of her, but less than a month, I realize that she's not strict. Ma'am is just a disciplinarian in a good way. She always wants to be respect and obey the same as the others.
            She made me realize that we really  need to have the perseverance to succeed in our life. We should have the determination to attain our goal/s in life. Her strict look made me realize that we must not base the attitude of a person not just by her physical appearance. She tell her inspiring stories that made me appreciate the real value of education, the significance of going to school each day. Her instructions are like lessons that really sink in to my heart.
            I'm very thankful that I once had an adviser like her. Like her who inspire me to study harder. Like her who treat  me like her second daughter. Like her who is still there if I have ideas to share. Ma'am Nemi, I hope I can still see you. She already transfer to another school but I know I can still see her.
            Ma'am thank you for your patient. Thank you for all the efforts. Thank you for all the lessons you taught me. I don’t know how can I express my deepest gratitude, words can't even describe it. THANK YOU PO AND I LOVE YOU MA'AM…
Your Naughty Student,

Informal Theme# 2.7

Monday, October 8, 2012

Comedy of Errors

Mistakes are Lesson in Life"

Errors? Faults? Mistake? and whatever you call it, they're just the same. They are already part of our everyday life. Everyone of us commit errors, they are lessons in life. Mistakes are like air that is important for all of us, without I don’t know if we can survive. Maybe we can, but life without mistakes are like life without lesson, without sense, without  thrill, without  excitement.
Have you read the one of the famous play written by William Shakespeare entitled Comedy of Errors?  If you haven't let me share to you the impact of that wonderful play for me. The main theme of the well-known play as stated in the title itself is errors or mistakes. Yes I agree that we commit mistakes, it's normal. But committing the same mistake? I don’t think we can still consider that thing. We should treasure and remember every mistake you've done in your life. Those mistakes are lessons that should be  carry till the end of our life.
That play is really awesome, you must watch or read that play, but it's better to read it for you to internalize the play well. Mistakes are treasure that we must keep.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Our Mother Tongue

Our Mother Tongue

          What would you choose, your own native language? or the English language which is the universal language? If you will ask me that question, I will choose my own native language. Maybe some would choose the universal one, for them to follow or to be in with the latest stuffs. But for me it's not only that, there are different things that we must consider.
          I choose the native language because I want to patronize our own language. For our mother tongue to be known and promote.  And I also believe that you cannot master a thing if you don’t know the basic of it, before we go to other level, type, or kind of language it will be best for us to be fluent in our native one.  Fluency is not just having the correct grammar and pronunciation it also involves the love for that language.
          We should patronize our language than the others, because this language is ours and no one can get it from us. We must be thankful because of the uniqueness of our mother language.

NCAE: National Career Assessment Examination, Is it Important?

NCAE: National Career Assessment Examination, Is it Important?

High school students like me take the NCAE or the National Career Assessment Examination. The main objective of this test is to help the students to determine the career or the course they want during they college years. This is done to know what career is the best for the student or what career will fit for the students. Would you like to take the said examination? Or you just want to follow what you want in choosing your course?
When I was still younger, I already heard the NCAE but before its NCEE National Secondary Assessment Test. I once ask my cousin about that test, and because it's been 6 years ago, I can't remember her answer anymore. Back to the topic, for me it's true that NCAE can help us in choosing the career for us, but it is not that necessary that we will follow the result of the examination.  It can help us realize what course we really want to take. It can also prepare us for some task/s that we may encounter in taking the path we want to. Some topics that are included in the NCAE can also help us in other aspects in life such as the logical reasoning.
      I then realize that the course we may take not just depend on us, sometimes  it may also depend on our parents and the financial matters. But the NCAE is like a sketch or another path  that we may take. It's like an alternative way to know what will fit you in the near future. At last, the decision for our future is in our own little  hands.

Informal Theme 2.4
Noreen S. Ortiz

How Important is Intramurals?

How Important is Intramurals?

Being a student of Cavite National Science High school is not an easy work, you need to comply on the high standards of the school. But as a student it is very important for us to have spree. This Intramurals or sports fest is one of those many activities that can help to develop the camaraderie of the students, the craftsmanship and the unity. For you is it important to have Intramurals on your school?

For me, intramurals is not just made to have programs or to have enjoyment, it is also done for the students to have the camaraderie, craftsmanship and unity. Teamwork is also develop in every one of us. To develop the physical capability of a student on a certain sports. The discipline is being develop and expand as well. To develop the personality of the student. And the most is our sportsmanship, acceptance from our lost or our defeats in life.

See? It's very important to have the what we call Intramurals or sports competition. Not just to have curricular activities but also to develop the said aspects above especially the SPORTSMANSHIP. So? if you will have an intramurals next year be sure that you will join and enjoy the activities.

Informal Theme 2.3
Noreen S. Ortiz

Thursday, August 2, 2012

"Let's Define Friends,
True Friends I Mean"

"No need to pretend, you’re a true friend"
you know the secrets I never tell,
And three names will always remain
Kim, Sanni and Angel, are those names.

Friendship is a plant that has to be cultivated,
It must be watered and tended, for it to grow.
So it will produce, sweet and wholesome fruits.
And to be not like the taste of a rotten food .
Friendship, to me, is an intangible thing
A kind of a  circle which entirely enclose me,
Enveloping in my whole entirety.
Fascinating me in with all his points..

Above all of that thing, friendship means to me
The immeasurable capacity for forgiveness.
No one can ever get nor buy the friendship you have
especially if it's true and lasting friendship.
I'm very thankful I found them.=) 

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Environmental Catastrophe

            During the time of our parents and grandparent , it was easier to know when the summer and rainy seasons, or when the cool and hot seasons started and ended in the Philippines. But today in our generation it is difficult to identify when or where the summer or the rainy seasons would be. This could be one of the attributes to a worldwide phenomenon called Global Warming.
             Global Warming is the increase of the earth's temperature due to build up of gases in the atmosphere. This warming has become unpredictable and severe. With global warming comes more floods, droughts, storms, and extreme temperatures, where never sure what the climate is the next month or even the next week brings. In the country, global warming means that even if its summer, rains and sometimes typhoon occur, there will be shorter cool months, and the rainy/hot seasons will be longer or even shorter. Global warming and changing weather patterns will be stressful to people, animals, plants, and the environment. Climate change is also connected to the above topic, it is the alteration in our weather patterns caused by global warming.
             It's true that we are really experiencing an ecological catastrophe, we may prevent or even lessen its effect if we will just unite as one. I know it's not that easy to be united but in our own simple ways we can help in lessening the effect of this ecological catastrophe. We can reduce using plastics, its better if we can avoid using plastic bags, we must follow the 3r, or the REDUSE, REUSE AND RECYCLE. We can also kept even small candy wrappers we see, and even some crumbled  papers on the streets. By reducing the usage of plastics and  Styrofoam we can help a lot. We can help in each simple ways.    

Noreen S. Ortiz

Informal theme no. 6

Romeo and Juliet: A Humorous Ending­

             The ending of Romeo and Juliet base on Shakespeare's original play  is a tragic love story. For some Filipinos it's not a play, maybe because some of us wants to have a humorous ending or even a whole humorous play just like what we always watch in the teleseryes such as the movies of Mr. Rodolfo Vera Quizon also known as "Mang Dolphy" . But what if there will be a very big twist in the play? What if it’s a humorous ending instead of a tragic one? What will you choose?

                       Friar Laurence give a sleeping poison to Juliet, while Romeo is hiding from the peoples of Verona. Juliet tell her parents that she will marry Paris. On the night before her wedding, she drink the sleeping poison. On her wedding day, her parents just found her died on her room. Romeo didn’t  receive the letter stating that Juliet is just sleeping and will wait for him. On Juliet's tomb, Romeo just found her died, not even knowing that Juliet is just sleeping. Romeo get his dagger, on the time that he is ready to kill himself, Juliet wakes up. Before the dagger reach Romeo's breast, Juliet wakes up and hug him very tight. The lovers take their time discussing what really happened. Romeo tell Juliet that she is a transgender/gay and he really love Paris, that she is just using Juliet for him to be close to Paris. And Juliet tell Romeo that she is a lesbian, she loves Rosaline very much, that she only uses Romeo for him to have idea how to court and to be very close to Rosaline. They decided to tell their parents about that thing, instead of scolding them, their parents just laugh on them. Their parents just accept them and they live happy forever.

              Imagine the play is like that, what would you choose? If you will ask me, I will choose the old and the original version of the play. For me nothing bets the original one.

Noreen S. Ortiz

Informal theme no. 5 

Romeo and Juliet: A Happy Ending
         The ending of Romeo and Juliet base on Shakespeare's original play  is a tragic love story. For some Filipinos it's not a play, maybe because we always want to have a happy ending like in the fairy tales such as snow white, sleeping beauty, Cinderella and many more. But what if there will be a big twist in the play? What if it’s a happy ending instead of a tragic one? What will you choose?     
          Friar Laurence give a sleeping poison to Juliet, while Romeo is hiding from the peoples of Verona. Juliet tell her parents that she will marry Paris. On the night before her wedding, she drink the sleeping poison. On her wedding day, her parents just found her died on her room. Romeo didn’t  receive the letter stating that Juliet is just sleeping and will wait for him. On Juliet's tomb, Romeo just found her died, not even knowing that Juliet is just sleeping. Romeo get his dagger, on the time that he is ready to kill himself, Juliet wakes up. Before the dagger reach Romeo's breast, Juliet wakes up and hug him very tight. The lovers take their time discussing what really happened. They decided to go far away from Verona, and live happily ever after.             
             For me, the tragic ending of the play is still better, the best I mean. Maybe we just have different taste in choosing the best ending of the play, I can't do any for that, we just  have to agree in each and every one of us.   
Noreen S. Ortiz
Informal theme no. 4 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Family Like What I Have is a Blessing From Above. =)

             Family as what defined at wikipedia is " In human context, a family  is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence. In most societies it is the principal institution for the socialization of children. Anthropologists most generally classify family organization as matricidal ; conjugal  and consanguinity in which parents and children co-reside with other members of one parent's family".But for me, a family is not just compose of parents and children. It includes love and care of each and every member to one another. But there are times simple complication or miscommunication leads to fall outs.
             A small, simple but happy family that is what my family is. I am contented with my family. For me,my family is the only one that will accept me for who I am and will not be ashamed of what I am. Families aren’t easy to join. Their like an exclusive country club where membership makes impossible demands and the dues for an outsider are exorbitant. 
              The bond that links your true family is not of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.Having a family like mine is one of the most precious thing I ever had. And they are one of the reason for what and why who I am now.

Noreen S. Ortiz

Informal theme no.3

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Man Behind Who I Am Right Now

The Man Behind Who I Am Right Now

              A very faithful and honest husband to my mother, a very loving and obedient child to his parents, a kind brother to his siblings and for me a supportive, hardworking and understanding father.  Ignacio P. Ortiz is the name of the person behind my back. The one who always have time to teach me about the things I must learn such as biking, driving motorcycle, a shortcut to math problems and many more even though some of it are boys work . I use to call him "Tatay", not papa,daddy,fudra, nor papsi. I once ask him why do I need to call him "Tatay" he answered back "dahil para sa akin, mas masarap pakinggan yon". My father always reminds me that "Education is the Only Treasure that I can Give you, you must treasure it because that is the only wealth in this world that no one can ever stealth it from you.
              I don’t have any plans last father's day, because we don’t celebrate it as always. But I always have a present for my tatay. I always give him a card, a simple card, but this year I decided to make a little power point presentation for him. He was glad even thought I was not able to finish it.
               I am close to both of my parents but my father is my savior or  shield when my nanay scold me. My father always tell my nanay that I'm not a kid anymore, so she doesn’t need to get a broom stick and slap my buttocks (just like when I was in grade 1). But my father is strict he doesn’t want me to buy street foods, but I buy, and buy, and buy as always.
       I am very thankful because I have a father like him.  I'm a daughter who is not expressive in words, but I express it in deed. I never dare to tell "I LOVE YOU" in front of my father anyway. But for me showing respect, study well and obeying his rules(not always J) is enough to show how much I love my tatay. Thank you very much TATAY for all the sacrifice you made just to give our needs, thank you for all the love and support. You are one of the persons behind my back, and I salute you for that.

Noreen S. Ortiz
Informal Theme No.2

Sunday, June 17, 2012

informal theme #1 : my expectations of being a junior.

            At first, it is not my plan to study in Cavite National Science High School, my mother and our neighbor just want me to try to. I already pass the entrance exam, and now it is my third year in studying here in Cavscie. I can't visualize that I'm already a junior. Two years have pass and two years to come. Can I still cease those two years? Can I do it?  Can I pass this? I in fact, I don’t know how can I.

          Back to school all over again, an additional 10 months to fill, new sets of classmates, new teachers, new subjects and new friends. But like the others said, being a junior is the most difficult of them all. At first I thought I will be tough for me to be close with my new classmates, but I'm wrong almost of them are nice and sociable. Regarding to subjects, they said Araling Panlipunan and Chemistry is the hardest, maybe they are right because  I find Araling Panlipunan as a difficult one. The other subjects are good as what the seniors thought, its good and interesting too. For me some of the subjects are difficult just like the Physics. About the teachers I thought they are all strict and disciplinarian, yes they are but not like what I'm expecting they are not TERROR.

         Huh. To all classmates I think all of you are great, to all my teachers thank you for all the patience you apply in this two weeks just to be able to teach us our daily lessons, and to 10 months to come. Im hoping and expecting that my life as a junior will be as exciting as the other years that exceed. New classmates, teachers, subjects, and friends to come, but the same straight path to be fill. 

Noreen S. Ortiz

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Di ako tao di din ako hayop...
berde ako nung bata
diLaw nung 2manda
nang ma2tay ako
mdming nbuhay..
mdmi s tindahan
meron din sa bwat bahay ..
5 Letter sa tagaLog
 _ i _ _ _ ?
4 Letter sa engLish
 _i _ _ ?