Monday, October 8, 2012

Comedy of Errors

Mistakes are Lesson in Life"

Errors? Faults? Mistake? and whatever you call it, they're just the same. They are already part of our everyday life. Everyone of us commit errors, they are lessons in life. Mistakes are like air that is important for all of us, without I don’t know if we can survive. Maybe we can, but life without mistakes are like life without lesson, without sense, without  thrill, without  excitement.
Have you read the one of the famous play written by William Shakespeare entitled Comedy of Errors?  If you haven't let me share to you the impact of that wonderful play for me. The main theme of the well-known play as stated in the title itself is errors or mistakes. Yes I agree that we commit mistakes, it's normal. But committing the same mistake? I don’t think we can still consider that thing. We should treasure and remember every mistake you've done in your life. Those mistakes are lessons that should be  carry till the end of our life.
That play is really awesome, you must watch or read that play, but it's better to read it for you to internalize the play well. Mistakes are treasure that we must keep.

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