NCAE: National Career Assessment Examination, Is it Important?
High school students like me take the NCAE or
the National Career Assessment
Examination. The main objective of this test is to help the students to
determine the career or the course they want during they college years. This is
done to know what career is the best for the student or what career will fit
for the students. Would you like to take the said examination? Or you just want
to follow what you want in choosing your course?
When I was still younger, I already heard the
NCAE but before its NCEE National
Secondary Assessment Test. I once ask my cousin about that test, and because
it's been 6 years ago, I can't remember her answer anymore. Back to the topic,
for me it's true that NCAE can help us in choosing the career for us, but it is
not that necessary that we will follow the result of the examination. It can help us realize what course we really
want to take. It can also prepare us for some task/s that we may encounter in
taking the path we want to. Some topics that are included in the NCAE can also
help us in other aspects in life such as the logical reasoning.
then realize that the course we may take not just depend on us, sometimes it may also depend on our parents and the
financial matters. But the NCAE is like a sketch or another path that we may take. It's like an alternative
way to know what will fit you in the near future. At last, the decision for our
future is in our own little hands.
Informal Theme 2.4
Noreen S. Ortiz
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